Will I Be Convinced Some People Feel Wi-Fi from 5+ Meters Away?

A double blinded Experiment by a person/institute I would trust on that would be enough to convince me. I might be convinced by lesser evidence.

Current epistemic state is kinda sceptical whether most current evidence on this is trash. I find causal mechanisms on this plausible, though not sure if investigating this would sink lots of time.

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What causal mechanism do you find feasible? Available evidence seems inconsistent with claims of being able to detect EMF by non-thermal effects in general:


I would be fully willing to setup up the double-blind 5m test for wi-fi, should anybody claim to be able to do so and willing to bet enough to cover costs.

@CodeandSolder I Literally Ski med the paper I linkes in the other market for 1 Minute and saw some biology stuff I don't understand, but that didn't seem to be literally anti-reducionist ala Homeopathy etc. and then thought I might as well try a Manifold market. By now it has occured to me to check the physics of the situation (how much energy does a wifi Transmitter transmit? 1 Watt? Seems like you would get very fast to the point where there is no difference compared to radiation in the background?) which make this all seem much less plausible.

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@Tassilo 100mW, this paper: https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1049/el.2014.0834 gives 0.2V/m and linear-ish falloff, giving around 0.04V/m at 5m, order of magnitude below city background: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0013935114002254

But technically that theoretical detection method could be sensitive to a limited part of the spectrum and counting just 2.4GHz it's way above background.

Also (at the very least most) people have no noticable effects with exposure limits around 50V/m: https://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main.EMFLIMITSPUBCRADIOFREQUENCYv

That would not be quite impossible but certainly odd.