Within a month of the 2024 Olympics, will any Olympic athlete attempt to "defect" or seek asylum?
resolved Aug 24

Presumably to France or the EU, but not necessarily. Any athlete who "goes missing" but for whom an attempt at asylum or defection isn't publicly revealed doesn't count.

Only an attempt is required. Must be a registered competitor in the 2024 Summer Olympics.

Articles seem to suggest that this is a common occurrence at every Olympics, but how frequently isn't always known publicly as the IOC doesn't officially track asylum seekers. So another way of asking this question is: "Will there be a high-profile case of defection at the 2024 Olympics?"

A List of Some Past Notable Defections

^ No idea if that will be kept up to date in time for this market. Could be a good source, but doesn't necessarily prove the negative.

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@smokey usually athletes defect from enemies of the US, but this year those countries are not allowed to participate. Q: from what countries are the likely defectors?

Good question! It's also generally likely from "Global South" nations or any populations in turmoil. In particular, Russian athletes (though formally not representing Russia) may be worth paying attention to!

The more I think about it, Ukraine is a possibility, as is North Korea. And I can't believe I forgot Palestine

I just rewatched this last year before I went bobsledding on the Olympic track at Whistler lmao