Will Prize Points to USD be released before Election Day (US)?
resolved Sep 17

Resolves Nov 5, if not earlier.

Cash outs available in >50% of US states required for YES.

As clarified in comments:

this is about prize points. if they change names that's fine, but if all our pp balances are for naught and there's a new currency instead then that feels like a NO.

If cash outs are bugged and pulled back quickly, I'll hold on resolution. For this reason, I'm going to wait 24h if the resolution is YES.

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@Stralor may want to close this one because i assume it'll come to an interpretation. prize points are zeroed out/converted to mana, but it looks like you'll get credit for your total mana/net worth or something like that. so indirectly you get credit for PP, it's just no different than if it had been held in mana.

bought Ṁ1,750 NO

@Ziddletwix @Stralor I think it’s pretty clear that this should resolve ‘No’. There’s an entirely new currency that can be exchanged to cash; it’s not the peepee. [see also our below comments]

@TonyGao I don't think this means anything, but it could mean something

opened a Ṁ136 YES at 10% order

this has dropped precipitously based on recent insights that show there's code coming that turns pp into mana. there's still a not-insignificant chance this market enters murky waters, since the staff (James iirc) at one point said they'd try to do some kind of conversion of pp to cash if they could eventually. because I might have to make a judgment call, I've posted an exit order at 10% to clear myself of my NO shares, which is slightly above where the market recently moved to. if anybody wants more NO, come and get it.

So, people suspect that they will automatically be turning everyone's prize points into mana soon?

@PogoStick yep, that's the thinking. no official word afaik

@Stralor do they need to be called “prize points”? What if there’s another currency unit that can be cashed out but has a different name?

@snazzlePop hmm I'm thinking this is about prize points. if they change names that's fine, but if all our pp balances are for naught and there's a new currency instead then that feels like a NO.

filled a Ṁ2,500 NO at 66% order

@Stralor What if there’s a new currency with a new name, to which pp can be converted?(so our balances aren’t exactly for naught, but it’s more than just a name change — it’s another new currency.)

In such a scenario, would this market resolve No?

@snazzlePop unclear. thoughts?

@Stralor My interpretation of your earlier comment is:

  • If the name changes and then it can be cashed out, then resolves Yes.

  • If there’s a new currency (regardless of whether PP can be or is automatically converted to it) and the new currency can be cashed out, then resolves No.

I expect something ambiguous may occur. I’m not sure what the resolution should then be, and I’m curious of your and others’ thoughts.

@snazzlePop yeah the fuzziness is in the unknown edge cases we're rapidly approaching. that's a fairly decent overview

bought Ṁ500 NO

nice limit @SG. I probably agree but decided to take a bite anyway

What if cash prizes are released, then shut down

if they're up and stable for 24h in a row then it's fair game!

no take-backsies manifold!

added an edge case to desc:

If cash outs are bugged and pulled back quickly, I'll hold on resolution. For this reason, I'm going to wait 24h if the resolution is YES.