Will any of my dumb markets preclude me from becoming a Creator Partner?
resolved Mar 20

I'm warming back up to the creation game after a long hiatus now, which is presumably why I'm not in the first batch of Partners.

I've made plenty of upstanding, decent markets and was widely known for my trustworthy resolutions during my most prolific days, but a few of my most renowned markets have definitely pushed some people's buttons (f. ex., /Stralor/will-anyone-have-an-orgy-at-manifes got posted in the NYT and caused a bit of furor while also drawing in many new users to the site).

I don't intend to stop making either type.

Will I receive a rejection for the partner program at some point that references any of my controversial/goofy/dangerous markets?

An inexhaustive list of further types I've made that qualify for the purposes of this question: games, jokes, cursed, whalebait, drama, datamining, Manifold criticism.

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@Stralor you're a partner now, so presumably this resolves NO? (even if, say, a month down the line, you do something goofy and get kicked out?)

@Bayesian it resolves to "will I receive a rejection for the partner program" and I don't think being kicked out counts as a rejection so should resolve No (congrats on being crowned, @Stralor 👑 !)

haha yeah congrats pat!

@Bayesian woohoo! a classic Manifold way to find out "hey bro this can resolve k thx"