[Survey] Are there more than 10 women on Manifold?
resolved Sep 1

I wrote a survey, about Manifolders, for Manifolders.

Hmm, it sure seems a bit bro-ey around here. Resolves YES at the end of August if at least 11 people chose "Female" when asked their gender in the survey, whether or not there are actually more women on Manifold.

As I have all the info, I won't bet in this question.

Obviously the more people who take it, the better the results will be! Give it a go:


If the survey jogs any inspiration in you, feel free to write questions of your own about it and comment them here! If you do, please use the group #Pat's Manifold Survey so they can be sorted together. And go bet on more in that group!

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@Stralor (btw I've done an infodump of the whole survey on discord -> https://discord.com/channels/915138780216823849/918236290439335936/1147075294667223041 )

🤔 as far as I can roughly estimate, there are more than 10 women who have traded on this question, just sayin'


predicted YES

Watching with bated breath.

@Tetra we'll know when this resolves in a few weeks! (I've been peeking but 🤐)

predicted YES

@Tetra Let's find out!

I don't love the questions that were only good/bad. Neutral is a thing!

@LivInTheLookingGlass how do you mean? like the "Yes or No" ones with no nuance in the survey? makes sense, some of them are intentionally frustrating, and I think some people skipped 'em

@Stralor I specifically mean "are stocks good" and the like

I love to see @acc get rekt (assuming this will resolve YES, hopefully)

wow this is certainly a tactic to increase survey participation lol

@Conflux I expected a few eye rolls and for this question to be ignored more than most, but I've found that even though the MB questions tend to be more interesting to me and have more liquidity (and gain it faster) they're almost universally less popular

@Conflux The wording of the title of this market in particular is playing a big role, I think - there are obviously way more than 10 women on Manifold, but your survey wouldn’t necessarily have a level of participation to show that

@Conflux yeah, I'm happy about the power of a community to rally and prove my assumptions wrong. When I wrote this and /Stralor/survey-are-there-more-than-5-women, women were <10% of the respondents.

@Stralor I just don’t think it necessarily proves your assumptions wrong, because there’s now sampling bias toward women

@Stralor (I haven't looked at the current numbers, but the activity here is heartening)

@Conflux (Though I will say for the record that filtering among Proof School students, where Manifold is used a bit more in a social media platform-like way, the gender ratio of users who I know is pretty even)

@Conflux a small cluster of Destiny folks also found the survey all at once and swung several of the questions to new majorities. this survey has huge sampling bias; but it always did. the first several users were all powerusers with API trades, in the discord, strongly in favor of polyamory, loved my in-jokes, and skewed many other questions. I'm glad new clusters are finding it

@Stralor Ooh good point! I’m glad your survey is reaching many clusters of the Manifold userbase (and curious what data emerges). Didn’t mean to suggest it’s bad to have more female responses, just that it’s a survey bias to be aware of and that the title of this market is misleading

@Conflux I didn't think you did suggest that :)

@Stralor anyway, evergreen's market about gender ratio is the better question for gauging the final result, but she beat me to it (which is a-ok by me!)

bought Ṁ50 of YES

easy yes

sold Ṁ36 of NO

Maybe this will help: