I'm idly considering spinning up my own lil shindig to get the vibes I like most at Manifest drummed up early in a smaller group. Not sure it'll be possible considering finances and logistics, but I'd love to get up to some mischief if I can.
I suppose we could call it Pat's Private Pre-Party (obv because Manifold needs more PPs), or Stralor's Salacious Soiree (oh how SPICEy!).
What's the best way to get awesome vibes? I've added a bunch of metrics, including some I suspect are absolutely awful. Help me out by pricing them and adding your own!
All questions or items that aren't included in a vetting process, explicitly or implicitly, resolve NO, including if there isn't a party for whatever reason.
Meta answers like "[Manifest doesn't happen]" are welcome but should be placed in brackets to distinguish them, due to likely differences in resolution.
Specific clarifications:
Age restrictions are exclusive: if I use any, the others resolve NO. It'll count even if I give out individual exceptions
"Celebrity": the famous person pass
"Chain of Trust": invitees would need to have a sponsor at the party who is responsible for them if they misbehave, and who would get ejected if they were. Contrast somewhat to "Referral" and "+1"s
"Comfortable Taboos": something along the lines of "Which classic social taboos are you comfortable being around in a party context?" [Politics/ Religion/ Sex/ Drugs/ Gambling/ etc.]
"Referral": knowing somebody else at the party or in my social circle
"Sponsorship of party": supplying some funds, venue, or such to the party. (NB: even if this would resolve YES given the chance, it will resolve NO if no one is a sponsor or the only sponsors were already invited)
"+1"s: attached to someone else who gets a solid invite
Close date may change as the next Manifest approaches or when I decide what I'll do. I won't bet.
I was thinking along the lines of a checkbox list of the classic "bad topics to bring up at Thanksgiving/ with a stranger/ on a first date", like politics, religion, sex, drugs, gambling, and so forth. Basically, if it's a spicy party, I'd want to encourage certain spicy behavior and wouldn't want to bring people in who would be uncomfortable with it.
This list is already in the desc, but I consider it fairly flexible and I'm willing to put in some noise for aspects that I wouldn't be trying to incite.
All questions or items that aren't included in a vetting process, explicitly or implicitly, resolve NO, including if there isn't a party for whatever reason.
Hmm, this is kind of awkward. I know we can't do N/A anymore, but it's kind of awkward that every answer has a large dependence on one common factor like this. I feel it would have been better to resolve them based on what you think you'd do if you did organize a party in that case.
yeah I'm not perfectly sure how to handle this. Bayesian has the right idea, but maybe there's a solution that involves allowing resolutions if I write a spec for a party even if I don't host it? though that doesn't really allow for writing up a retrospective as proof for resolution. idk. maybe we just need the market to settle and get arbitraged to balanced prices