Will RFK Jr. be on the ballot for president in the state of New York?
Jun 1

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running as an independent candidate for president of the United States. He is currently collecting signatures in order to be on the ballot in all 50 states. He has already qualified to be on the ballot in some states, such as Utah, Hawaii, and North Carolina. Many states require only a few hundred signatures while others require thousands. Then there are states like New York and California which require tens of thousands.

Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr. be on the ballot in the state of New York?

Please note the following ways this question may resolve:

YES: RFK Jr. collects the required 45,000 signatures and gets on the ballot

YES: NY alters the requirements, but RFK Jr. still gets on the ballot

YES: RFK Jr. does not meet signature requirement but gets on ballot anyway

YES: RFK Jr. gets on ballot through other means (lawsuit, joins a party, etc.)

NO: RFK Jr. does not collect enough signatures and is not on the ballot

NO: NY alters the requirements, and does not allow RFK Jr. on the ballot

NO: RFK Jr. meets requirements, but is disallowed (lawsuit, corruption, etc.)

NO: the election is cancelled and there is no ballot

NO: NY secedes from the union and therefore won't vote for president

NO: America is conquered, destroyed, or otherwise dissolved

NO: the Constitution is revoked or the government is replaced

NO: extraterrestrials invade and subjugate or eliminate all humans

NO: a religious figure emerges or returns and changes humanity

NO: a time loop is created and the month of November never arrives

NO: the world, or possibly the entire universe, ceases to exist

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