Will this market ever be the most trending market with "meta" in the title?
resolved Mar 7

Will this market ever feature at the top of the list when you set a search like this? :

Please screenshot and share if you see this happen. If you try to fake a screenshot you are a terrible person.

This market closes a week after the last "Hogwarts Legacy" market from the above screenshot closes.

Close date updated to 2023-03-07 8:00 pm

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predicted NO
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@PatMyron Log odds change is one of the factors that affects trending, but it looks like I didn’t hit the window soon enough to catch the hourly update

bought Ṁ95 of NO

@JimHays I respect the attempt

wasn't sure what the trending factors were

@DesTiny Was kind of hoping no one would notice and I could losslessly sell before close if it didn’t work

predicted NO

@JimHays if it wasn't for pat commenting I wouldn't have noticed lol

@JimHays Likes and unique bettors are other factors.

@JimHays I forgot that the search specified OPEN markets, so I initially thought I might be able to catch it shortly after close

bought Ṁ15 of YES

Tip: When checking the position make sure to set the sort criteria to "trending", that doesn't seem to be the default. Makes a big difference!