I'm about to start playing a character who has possesed my previous character. How far can I get on my bingo sheet before the rest of the party finds out?
resolved Feb 26
I won't get a bingo before they catch on, but she'll fake them out for a while
They'll realize what's going on before the end of the first session she's in
I will get a bingo before/as they realize the truth
I will get at least 2 bingos before they find out, but she won't overstay her welcome
I will achive blackout on the bingo before they find out
Progress on the custom bingo card will stall out, and me/the DM will have to resort to drastic measures to expose her to the party (although the players will have their suspicions that something's afoot)
Progress on the custom bingo card will stall out, me/the DM will resort to drastic measures to expose her to the party, *and the majority of players are suprised*

The character being replaced is, as I have described her on numerous occasions, "the anthropomorphic personification of British Colonialism" -- Although I haven't played that part up much -- which fits in with our "horror campaign in a forest in foreign lands". Recently I played an evil version of her (by recently I mean Last Session), and I had to resort to drastic measures before the party realized what was going on.

The character I'll be playing is a friend to all living things (A la Nurgle from WH40k) that's piloting the original character's corpse. To ensure I'm true to this character, I'll be using a bingo card with such lovely prompts as "Run barefoot through the murder forest", "Is she high?", "Attempt pacifism", "MAGNIFICENT ANTLERS" and "Love a child (like a normal person)". The center tile is something the party must initiate which would reveal her true identity. How far am I going to get into the bingo card before they realize?

-- Note: This doesn't count "She's acting weird", only "This abomination is piloting the corpse of our very annoying companion". Also, the party as a whole must realize what's going on before it counts.

Close date updated to 2023-06-28 11:59 pm

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Update: The cleric just died.

This is because she got publicly outed and Carl took it upon himself to murder the corpse.

As there was no session this week, I'll just resolve it now

So to be clear:

There have been a few weeks where there was no meeting. This saturday will be one of them.

ADDITIONALLY: "I won't get a bingo before they catch on, but she'll fake them out for a while" will resolve true no matter what: it seems the group is starting to catch on that something's off, although not necessarily that something else is posessing her.

HOWEVER: Next session (the 25th I think?) will be the last session counted for this market. Depending on the events in that session, I might also resolve "I will get a bingo before/as they realize the truth", or even something else.

TLDR: there is guaranteed money here, but there's a chance something else may also resolve true. Place your bets!

@SophiaLaird Also, here's a link to a recap of some of the sessions. Note that the last session was session 10.

hunts down your players to point them at this market

Session 2 with the character:

This session had 3 people: me, the DM, and The New Guy. I did eventually reveal what I was to his character, but he's said he won't give away the secret, so it doesn't count for completion.

I have 8 spots on the bingo, including the center & 3 in a straight line. It will probably go down either next session or the one after that.


UPDATE: I've just finished session 1 with the character, and they haven't figured out my secret yet. They don't seem to be suspicious either.

I currently have 4 spaces marked, two of which are in a straight line.

how's it going?

@hamnox The first session with her will be the 10th (hopefully), then it's Winter break, then hopefully sometime in January I can actually play her. I'm certainly planning things out though

I'm about to start playing a character who has possesed my previous character. How far can I get on my bingo sheet before the rest of the party finds out?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition