Will Apple block Beeper’s workaround that allows Android users to use iMessage again before 2024?
resolved Jan 8
Beeper account tweets: Beeper Mini is back.

I am not following closely but there is a fun cat and mouse game going on right now between Apple and Beeper.

According to what I was able to gather: Beeper allowed android users to use iMessage. Apple doesn’t provide official API so the team reverse engineered iMessage to build that feature into their products. Apple then changed the backend of iMessage effectively putting a stop to their “hack”. Their account just posted that iMessage is back so I am wondering how long it will take till Apple blocks them again

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Beeper Mini is back in operation after Apple’s attempt to shut it down

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📢UNRESOLVED Per Creator Request.

According to my research, Apple has not been successful at shutting down Beeper Mini after the changes introduced by the team between the 11th and the 14th.

@Soli Apple made another round of changes between the 15th and 17th, and on the 17th "More than 60% of Beeper Mini and Cloud users are currently unable to send or receive iMessages". On the 21st the Beeper Mini app was removed from all app stores. A different way to generate registration information was made available afterwards which is pretty inconvenient and very different from Beeper's original implementation. https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/21/beeper-done-trying-bring-imessage-android-after-month-long-cat-mouse-game-apple/

I would definitely consider this to be Apple blocking Beeper once again after the changes introduced on the 14th.

predicted YES

@Soli Do you have any thoughts on this information? You can ask a moderator to re-resolve the market if you agree.

@wasabipesto the problem is that this market did not have a good resolution criteria which defines how we deal with a partial block from apple - maybe it is best we unresolve and NA - do you think this makes sense?

@Jacy can you please support us here? i am leaning towards unresolving and NAing or atleast resolving to a % that makes sense

predicted YES

@Soli I assumed that any blocking would be sufficient to qualify YES and bet as such. Additionally, Apple's actions may have only impacted 60%+ of users directly but now 100% of users have to go through a convoluted process to get it working. I think YES resolution matches most closely what I expected from this market given the title but I would also be okay with N/A.

@wasabipesto i think i agree with you

predicted YES

@Soli Do you want to request a mod re-resolution?

@wasabipesto i made a request on discord will keep you posted

I will do some research and close this market hopefully today, anything I should keep in mind?

created a poll

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