Will Mana-chan have 100+ Twitter followers by the end of August?
resolved Aug 21

Resolves YES if Mana-chan has 100 or more Twitter followers before close.
At the end of August resolves NO.

- More info: https://manifold.markets/manachan
- Twitter account: https://twitter.com/manachan_waifu

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After much deliberation I will resolve this YES. Reasoning follows:

- This is the most tangible and strictest reading of the resolution criteria as written.
- As @RobertCousineau added below, a similar market added explicit rules to help prohibit bots, rules that this market lacked. Going forward in the future I would adopt similar rules but it would not make sense to retroactively do so now.
- I asked other Trustworthy users as well as some non-manifold users and they seemed to agree YES made the most sense.

predicted NO

To add some context, @DavidChee stated

in "Will Manifolds Twitter account have 4000 Twitter followers by September 1st":


I will not count bots and may resolve it NO if I dont think we have 4000 real followers. I will also ban you from Manifold."

I don’t know which one of you decided to profiteer off of this market by making/buying bot follows, but know this: I’m filing a report against this clearly fake account and adding additional context that explains the situation (and links back here.) I encourage other Xitter users to do the same.

predicted YES

There are some concerns about the followers being fake but I believe this resolves YES @SneakySly

should resolve n/a because bots. Vo should stop using bots.

@jacksonpolack Seems like based on resolution criteria I specified this shouldn’t matter and should resolve YES.

Manifold markets that encourage people to break the TOS on other platforms should not reward said TOS breaking with mana! Otherwise people will just do it again.

@SneakySly As Jackson said: I’d encourage you to resolve no or n/a on this. We shouldn’t encourage people to engage in bad behavior so they can profiteer off markets.

predicted YES
predicted NO

@d Bots? Wasn’t anywhere near this several hours ago.

@oh these are fake accounts. I'm betting mildly no in protest and on the chance that Sly says "the purpose of this question was not to see if someone can go on and pay for bot follows (or create a bunch of fake accounts)".

1/3rd of the way there!

Who's going to make 100 Twitter accounts and follow Mana-chan with all of them?

@d you son of a bitch, you did it lol

@JosephNoonan Why did I make this comment? I should have known what would result from it.