Will Zherka's YouTube hit 100k subs by the end of 2023?
resolved Jul 30

Resolves on whether Zherka's youtube hit 100k subs by the end of 2023 - https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/jonzherka

Yes = He does hit 100k

No = he doesn't hit 100k

Resolves at end of 2023 using socialblade statistic on the last day of december 2023.

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bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

This can resolve YES now. Markets on manifold almost always resolves YES when it's certain they will resolve YES in the future, even if the description says 'resolves at the end of 2023'

also, the title says 'Will Zherka's YouTube hit 100k subs by the end of 2023?' - by isn't at, so this resolves YES even if it later dips below 100k

@jacksonpolack Actually it's not certain to resolve YES - they could lose subs and drop below 100k - it says

Resolves at end of 2023 using socialblade statistic on the last day of december 2023.

The title is wrong, it should say "at" not "by"

predicted YES

@jack But it also says by IN the description. Not at. So the description contradicts itself.

@ShadowyZephyr I agree. It's contradictory, but generally when there are contradictions one should assume the most specific parts win.

sold Ṁ26 of YES

The creator was active like 3 days ago, i'm sure they'll be back and will be able to explain what they originally intended the question to mean

predicted YES

He hit 100k, can this resolve early?

Will he win the Aba bet