Will X.com switch to a different X logo by the end of the year?
resolved Jul 30

Doesn't have to be AT the end of the year. Just has to be any time before the end of the year and will immediately resolve yes.

Any change from the current Logo will count, even if minimal.

The new logo has to roughly reassemble an X (doesn't have to be exactly a clean X, but the inspiration and vague shape has to have some semblance of an X).

If there is a new logo that isn't an X, this won't resolve until the end of the year in case it changes again to fulfil the YES criteria.

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predicted YES

They do in fact seem to be different...

I was thinking something not quite this minimal when creating the market, but alas I didn't specify a change in line thickness would not count.

bought αΉ€100 of YES


The logo already got a bit bolder then was reverted. He states it will evolve over time. voting yes

bought αΉ€50 of YES
predicted YES

@DavidChee wouldn't this already resolve YES?

predicted YES

@NiciusB yeah I was thinking about this haha...

I think technically should have. But the fact no one else for 2 days suggested it should resolve but instead just incorporated into their trading I think shows that people didnt rly consider a line thickness changing for a single animation as something that counts?

Did he also update it on the site itself, I just saw the animation being posted?

I think I might just make the call not to resolve it since no one seems to mind, and peoples trading have already incorporated that data point assuming the market wasnt going to resolve since I didnt do it immediately.

bought αΉ€250 of YES

@DavidChee Right now the twitter logo on the Website is bolder. Compare it to the avatar of elon musk or X, or the screenshot on the market description

predicted YES
predicted YES

Why did this market initially update toward 28% for an hour by multiple users, but then once it was bet back up it stayed up o.O

bought αΉ€5 of YES

Could just be me (and I'd actually be curious to hear from anyone who disagrees) but the current x is simply fugly as hell - this wager is firstly a wish

@twink_joan_didion Dude is legit obsessed with unicode. Remember he legit tried to have 𝕏Æ A-12 put on his sons birth certificate. πŸ˜‚

bought αΉ€5 of YES

@SirCryptomind wait it being \mathbb{X} is sending me😭