@Joshua Yes, with the criteria that should had been added from comment section , I guess in a sense something in between what BTE said in comments and the total gag market you made.
It's definitely a complex situation.
When I try to really think about my intuitions, I find that maybe I have a hueristic of "best to N/A when there's a massive amount of mana at stake, even if one side was technically correct."
Which is an interesting heuristic, now that I notice it! I think that if everyone had 1000x less mana at stake here and I was brought in as an unbiased judge, I would be strongly inclined to re-open the market and put the comment criteria into the description.
But it feels bad to rule that people should lose thousands of mana based on a comment clarification. I wonder at what point between 10 mana and 10,000 mana my instincts swap here.