Will Qualy the Lightbulb still be alive at the end of 2022?
resolved Jan 3

While incandescents only last around 1000 hours, LED lightbulbs last around 80,000 hours

If this lightbulb is still actively illuminating our twitter feeds at the end of this year, this resolves to YES; but if @QualyThe shuts off, this resolves to NO.

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bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

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bought Ṁ100 of YES

@Sinclair You see, Wellby is transparently planning an assassination, I think he's probably incompetent at assassination and will fail, and so I've been valiantly battling with a bot to raise the odds.

@GavrielK but by bidding it up you are increasing the assassination bounty 😱

you better protect Qualy with your life

predicted YES

@Sinclair hmmm i feel like i should get more out of it than mana. i will provide bodyguard services if @Qualy bets in my markets and/or switches to emitting at the far-UV end of the spectrum.

predicted NO

@GavrielK @Qualy's demise is inevitable, thanks for the free mana.

I hope not.

bought Ṁ5 of NO

Is this an assassination market?

excuse u its a longevity market