Will 'My First Market' Exhibit ≤ 1% Convergence in Outcome?
resolved Mar 22

This market focuses on the precision of the final outcome in the first market that I created on Manifold, hearby 'My First Market.'

For this market to resolve as TRUE, the outcome of 'My First Market' must be tightly concentrated, specifically within a 1% range, meaning any outcome between 49% Yes and 49% No:

49% ≤ outcome of 'My First Market' ≤ 51%

This signifies a high level of convergence in the results. If the outcome falls outside this range by the end of 2024, the market will resolve as FALSE.

Stake your prediction on the narrow margin of the final result in 'My First Market'!

See 'My First Market' below:

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Are you going to do anything to protect your first market from being sniped? Or is that the point?

@Tomoffer English is not my native tongue. What do you mean with being sniped?

@SimoneRomeo someone could make a big bet at the last minute on your first market to force it away from 50% unexpectedly.

@Tomoffer true, but they would lose the money they bet in 'My First Market'