Will markets without a description get more traders than those with a description?
resolved Jan 1

I get rather annoyed at the amount of low-effort markets made here that get plenty of traders, so I decided to try to understand if there's actually any incentive for writing good descriptions and criteria. This market predicts the outcome of the following experiment:

Starting at market close, for the next 10 eligible* markets I will create, I will flip a coin. If it comes up heads, I will not write a description for the market. I will not clarify the resolution criteria either. If tails, I will create the market normally. After a week, I will note how many traders the market got. I will then add the missing description where it's needed.

If the average traders in a market that I didn't write a description for are higher, this resolves YES.

*Eligible markets are markets where I want to write a description, but a description will not be strictly necessary, and the length of the market is more than a week. Only eligible markets will be counted

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I sincerely apologize for N/Aing this. Not including a description in my markets seems to be too high of a cost. Makes many markets pretty much unusable. I don't know how BTE does it and still gets so many traders. I don't want this to get into the way of me making high quality markets anymore

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/sub to find out the results :)

I think I will extend this into the time when the experiment is running. I didn't get much engagement so far but I'm excited to see the results myself and I hope extending will give this market the engagement it needs