Will Destiny burn a bridge with an orbiter in 2023?
resolved Jan 3

Will Destiny fall off with an orbiter or multiple? Will the solar system that involves around Destiny (the sun) lose a cosmic body?

Yes - If drama happens and a fall off between the two as no communication between the two parties.

No - If drama happens and they talk it out and move on as a conversation only.

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📢Resolved to YES

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@SethoxBrainStorm When did the Chaeiry stuff go down? was that before this opened?

@Brooster I believe this question was posted before the Chaeiry stuff when down.

Does the Chaeiry count as a bridge burn? I got word it was a meme (at this point, what isn't a meme?)

Post any evidence about the "breakout" if it happened, obviously something that made either side to stop communicating or stop engaging with each other.

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@SethoxBrainStorm pretty sure destiny did say it's joever. I cba to find the necessary proof so I won't 99% this to leave incentive for someone who will

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Here's a reddit comment with too much info if you really want to dive into the drama: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/17fn4be/what_the_fuck_happened/k6b2s04/?context=3

Here's another market about the bridge burn which already got resolved YES and it has some key quotes in the comments:

Can you define what 'orbiter' means in this market? I take it the question is about bridge burnings between the creation of this market and the end of the year?

@dgga An orbiter would be a streamer that joins the Destiny stream that basically co-oping the content by just having a conversation with Destiny, of course there are some caveats to this. Basically there are certain personalities that are accounted for being an orbiter while youtube character like Aba (from Aba and Preach) does not count as one of these orbiters, or Dan (because he, MrMouton and Destiny are real life friends).

But needless to say, the main point is for the question is, if any of the streamers that has permissions to join Destiny stream to talk cut ties with Destiny for any reason or vice versa (which resolves into "drama" because viewers has to speculate) then this question is resolved with yes (within 2023, this year).