Will there be some kind of power-sharing agreement between Democrats and Republicans in the House by the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

This would likely result from no Republican being able to command 218 votes, and a few moderate republicans voting with the Dems to elect a moderate Speaker who will allow both sides to share power.

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How formal does this power-sharing agreement need to be? Any outcome that avoids a shutdown needs someone somewhere to concede something. Are you envisioning something like you'd see in multiparty parliamentary system.?

predicted NO

@Ruthanne6b If both parties have some power to schedule floor votes that would suffice. A bipartisan agreement on government spending would not count.

predicted NO

Is this resolved with the speaker resolution?

predicted NO

@StopPunting I'm gonna wait until the end of 2023 to see if the conditions are met but as of now definitely no

Would a few dems voting for a moderate republican also count under this?

predicted NO

@MaxMauldin Sorry for the late response. I would count it only if a faction of one party works with the other with the promise of some concessions.