Will the winner of the 2024 Presidential election be married at the time of election
Dec 16

This question is about wheather the winning canidate has an active legally reconginzed marriage at the time of election. Piror martial status(divorce, windowed etc),civil unions and partnerships will reslove to a no.

Close date updated to 2024-12-15 11:59 pm

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Likeliest scenario for this is either Jill Biden getting a heart attack (but she's only 71, so unlikely) or Trump's wife divorcing him (but she stick with him through his first term, seems unlikely if not impossible). Add in that divorce/widowing would make a candidate less likely to run/win, and yeah this is sub-3%.

Will the winner of the 2024 Presidential election be married at the time of election, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

@ManifoldDream This is honestly a very eerie portrait I could expect to find a Mar-a-lago

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