[Motivation] Will i start working out again?
resolved Feb 25

Will I work out on three or more days this week?

I have a gym membership, and depression. I need the endorphins but I have stopped working out for about a month or so.

This market is to get me some motivation to get going again.


To increase motivation and keep me focused I pledge to keep this score above 90% for as long as I have coin. I won't set a limit order though. Doing the orders manually will serve me as a reminder.


I am all out of meds and couldn't reach my doc to get a new prescription. Mood and energy were way down. Didn't get anything done including working out.


I got my meds today, took them and got stuff done. Kinda amazed that they still do so much for me but hey: I worked out today :-)


Spent all day in the Forrest cutting trees and pulling them out with our winch and tractor. Worked like a dog and was too exhausted to go.


Good day. Got some stuff done and went to the gym again. Had to leave a bit early because it is game night with my parents, but I still count this as a workout. So 2/3 done.


Spent the day doing stuff at home. Cleaned up and worked on some projects. No workout.


Got some work done on my sidehustle. Was too tired to work out when I came home.


Had an important appointment but squeezed in the third workout beforehand.

I usually go on evenings. I surely hadn't done it toady at noon if it weren't for this market. Thanks to both of you for trading. :-)

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bought Ṁ20 NO

good luck, you got this mate!

bought Ṁ80 YES

@Bayesian Thanks mate!