[90% pledge] Will I continue to work out?
resolved Mar 10

Will I continue my workout routine for the third consecutive week?

I plan to go at least three times.

To increase motivation I pledge to keep this market on the 90% mark. I will do so manually -a as opposed to placing a limit-order - as a reminder to my commitment.

To make this market more serious I'll think of a way to prove that I've visited the gym. Something like the records of their check-in system or a photo of something in the gym. Stay tuned.

Thanks again to everyone who bet on last weeks market.




Mediocre day. Had troubles getting started. Did some work but didn't get as far as planned. Didn't work out, since I am still sore.


Mediocre day again. Didn't get too much done but also not nothing. Planned on going today, but forgot because I was so absorbed in cleaning the bathroom and listening to Sam Harris.


Mediocre day. Got stuff done but still not too much. Almost procrastinated workout until gym closed but made it. Close call but workout 1/3 is done.

Still I'll keep this at 95% for motivational purposes

Thursday and Friday:

I am not a very smart person. Haven't been to the gym.

Saturday: no gym today.

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@Schwabilismus this week resolves no then?

You can resolve it early, no need to bet it up and keep it open.

@voodoo done, thanks for betting!

@Schwabilismus Another week starts tomorrow, man. Onwards and upwards.

Akrasia is a Bitch!