What will be the maximum intensity of Tropical Storm Joyce?
Sep 29
Weak tropical storm (35 - 45 kt)
Strong tropical storm (50 - 60 kt)
Category 1 hurricane
Category 2 hurricane
Category 3 hurricane
Category 4 hurricane
Category 5 hurricane

Operational intensity, post-season adjustments do not matter for resolution purposes

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bought Ṁ25 Weak tropical storm ... YES

Given that it’s not forecast to strengthen and there looks to be more shear in its future, subjective Dvorak estimates it seems will help to continue to lowball the storm strength IMO… at least this SAR data supports 50 kt or higher.. (AMSU and most objective also support 50 or higher) but as they kept it at 45 due in part to an ASCAT pass it doesn’t seem we will be lucky enough to get another lucky ASCAT pass in the next 24 h when it may likely weaken…

@SaviorofPlant you want to rethink that 1%? Still has not reached 50 kt yet and not forecast to presently…

I’ll wait…

@parhizj i cant read i thought 50 mph was 50 kt

Recent microwave imagery, including an 0022 UTC ASCAT-B pass, 
indicates that Joyce's circulation is tilted with height, with a 
mid-level center feature displaced about 40 nm north of the 
low-level center.  The scatterometer data also indicated that Joyce 
still has maximum winds of 45 kt, which is also supported by the 
latest TAFB and SAB Dvorak fixes.

Joyce is moving toward the west-northwest (300/10 kt) to the south 
of a narrow subtropical ridge.  Deep-layer troughing is forecast to 
amplify over the central Atlantic during the next few days, eroding 
the ridge and causing Joyce to gradually turn toward the northwest 
and north and slow down to a crawl by this time on Monday.  Because 
several of the regional hurricane models appear to keep Joyce too 
strong in the coming days (more on that below) and show recurvature 
with acceleration, the NHC track forecast more closely follows the 
global models and is a blend of the previous forecast with the GFEX 

UW-CIMSS analyses and SHIPS diagnostics indicate that Joyce is 
being affected by moderate-to-strong southerly shear, which is 
reflected by the satellite presentation.  This shear is not 
expected to abate during the next few days, and the storm will also 
be moving into a gradually drier and subsident environment.  
Therefore, the NHC intensity forecast calls for little change in 
strength during the next 24 hours, followed by gradual weakening 
thereafter.  Joyce is likely to lose its organized convection 
and become a remnant low by day 3, if not sooner.  The remnant low 
should degenerate into a trough by day 4 or 5 and will likely be 
absorbed by a larger weather system moving across the eastern 