Will discord (web) stop completely taking over Ctrl+Shift+T before 2025?

The retarded engineers at discord decided to not give a fuck about clashing shortcut with browser (Crtl+Shift+T is reopen last closed tab on basically every single browser). Will they realize and change this?

Resolves YES if at any point before 2025 (UTC), when I press Ctrl+Shift+T on most places on the logged in discord web UI, the shortcut is able to pass to the browser* and reopen the last closed tab.

*By default I will use the newest version of Firefox, but if Firefox remapped the shortcut, I will try in order Edge, Brave, Chrome, Opera. On the extremely unlikely case that all these browsers removed the shortcut from their newest version I will give up and resolve N/A.

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perhaps this is a product discovery feature

I believe the shortcut is the same on Chrome as well.

@Pykess Yeah, basically every major Browser has this shortcut. Edge, Brave, Opera, Chrome, Firefox, ... But for simplicity I just chose to resolve based on Firefox because that's what I use

@SavioMak I was just saying for the edge case that Firefox removes this shortcut, you could use one of the other browsers instead of an old version of Firefox

@Pykess Yeah sure, why not.