Will Planecrash have a bad ending where Keltham destroys everything and everyone?
resolved Apr 8

Planecrash is much darker than Yudkowsky's previous works and Yudkowsky himself seems to be in a much grimmer mood with regard to the future of our own world. This got me thinking that with the way the story is going it may actually have a bad ending where Keltham wipes out the world. Prehaps to make some point about reallity being allowed to end like that or because in his more pessemistic mood it just seems like a better ending.

Resolves yes if everything (or almost everything) in Pharasma's creation is destroyed without a possibility of rebuilding. Resolved no if there are any significant number of survivors.

Jan 1, 11:14am: Will Planecrash have a bad ending where Keltham destroys everything and everyone? → Will Planecrash have a bad ending where Keltham destroys everything and everyone?

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predicted NO

In one of the nethys playthroughs, creation is destroyed https://www.glowfic.com/replies/1944878#reply-1944878
should this resolve yes?

predicted NO

See Samuel Millernick's comment just below: "Likewise if one ending just seemed to be the more correct one (i.e was much longer and the other one was clearly a sort of alternate ending)"

If multiple endings are published to Planecrash, one Bad and one Good (as happened with e.g. Three Worlds Collide), how will this market resolve? Does it matter which ending is declared to be 'official'? Or is a Bad End being posted sufficient on its own?

predicted NO

@AndrewHyer If one ending is official or the true ending I would go with that one. Likewise if one ending just seemed to be the more correct one (i.e was much longer and the other one was clearly a sort of alternate ending). If no ending was official I would resolve as n/a.

What counts as a "significant" number of survivors? 10? 1000? 1 million?

predicted NO

@Multicore Anything that seems to be likely to continue or rebuild civilization (of any sort good or bad). Basically anything other that a few doomed remnants or god-keltham surveying the rubble. So definitely a million (unless they are somehow all doomed) and probably a hundred. Maybe not ten depending on the circumstances.

It's possible we get a non-omnicide ending that's "worse" than omnicide -- Keltham justifiedly tries to destroy the world and unfortunately fails.

predicted NO

@SonataGreen keltham builds unaligned AGI and the S risks are worse than death