Poll: Do you use the Live tab?
resolved Jul 1

We're trying to gauge usage of Manifold's the Live feed. Please vote YES below if you usually use the Live tab when you're on Manifold, and NO otherwise (i.e. if you're just using the Markets page instead). (Running this poll for a second time.)

Resolves YES if 50% or more respondents vote Yes. Poll closes on June 30th at 11:59 PT. I won't trade in this market.

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predicted YES

Yes. It moves a little fast but it’s useful.

@SG descriptions says May 30th, but you probably meant June 30th, right?

predicted NO

BUG: If I'm in the app, the poll embeds but "you already voted" or something (even though I definitely didn't); on desktop it works.

I use it mostly for the life comments, which is both interesting and surprisingly profitable. I use it like 1/5 times I open manifold. Is that a yes or no for the purpose of this poll?

@kottsiek Sounds like a yes.

@SG that was my intuition as well, but I got hung up on the "usually" in the market description.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Live feed for questions is a great way to discover new topics

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@EdwardOrsi agreed. I find it far more useful than the feed for finding new topics and diversifying my portfolio. it's great for getting in on markets early and for surfacing hot markets that I've otherwise missed. I'm glad it's back

Live feed is too busy to be useful IMHO.

I used to use the live feed quite a bit to surface a broader variety of markets than would appear on the home page. I use it much less these days as (a) the home page (now "feed" I guess) has gotten quite a bit better (b) there are a lot more markets being created now. So just keeping abreast of new markets + scrolling the main feed is good enough for me these days.

Well, i do now...

Can't vote in the poll because VPN voting is not allowed but yes, I use it a lot.