Which platform will win ChatGPT?
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What if I tell you It is just a part that OpenAI is using to make marketing? 🤠

Dans le paysage numérique actuel, des contenus chatgpt en francais gratuit captivants sont essentiels pour engager votre public et garantir le succès. Avec l'avènement de l'intelligence artificielle, l'intégration de ChatGPT dans votre stratégie de contenu représente une opportunité inestimable pour créer des interactions authentiques et stimulantes avec votre audience.

What if I tell you It is just a part that OpenAI is using to make marketing? 🤠

How does a platform "win ChatGPT"?

@lxgr getting better which is not hard with a bit of time. ChatGPT doesnt cover every needs. It is pretty general. There are others better, more specific and complete

@Rupert So you mean “win against ChatGPT”, as opposed to e.g. acquire it?

If so, by what metrics or will you resolve by vibes?

@Rupert By unsourced screenshots of some ranking table then?