What percentage of professional software developers will use Bun in May 2024?
Jul 31

According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 0.77% of professional developers used the Bun Javascript toolkit in May 2023. What will the percentage be next year?

This market will resolve to the percentage listed in the survey results. If the survey is not released or Bun is not listed, this market will resolve N/A.

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Predicting the exact percentage of professional software developers using Bun in May 2024 is challenging due to various factors. However, Bun's adoption may increase steadily based on its features and market response. Stay solar!

predicts NO

Here is some relevant Google Trends data, which shows very low growth (except for two extreme traffic spikes in July 2022 and September 2023). Also, the release/tag history for bun shows that the first ever tagged version was only released in September 2021 (or a little over two years ago).