Will >75% of Non-European ChatGPT Pro Users Have Access to GPT-4o Voice Modality by July 7 2024?
resolved Jul 1

Resolution Criteria:

  • A poll will be conducted six weeks from today with the following response options:

    • Not a Pro user

    • Non-European Pro user with access

    • Non-European Pro user without access

    • European Pro user with access

    • European Pro user without access

  • The poll will close on July 7 2024 23:59 GMT and open a week prior

  • This question will resolve Yes if >75% of non-European Pro users have access as per the poll

  • If the model isn't exactly the GPT-4o shown in the demo but is still similarly responsive and is known to be using native audio as both input and output, it will still resolve Yes, since the poll will not make a distinction between exact model versions or voices available.

  • Otherwise, it resolves No

  • If the reality of the matter is blatantly obvious by 1st July, I may use my judgement to resolve and not even conduct the poll; for example, if there are still official statements saying they haven't started rolling it out nor they will any time soon, or we all clearly have it. This would only happen if it's sufficiently clear. Otherwise, it resolves to the poll even if the poll results are gamed.

  • If anything is unclear, ask in comments.

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sold Ṁ181 YES

If there are no surprises, given recent announcements by OpenAI that they will start a limited alpha roll-out only by end of July, this would resolve to NO on 1st July without the need to conduct any polls.