This bounty will be paid out to the person (or persons) who makes a tool that:
analyzes my positions
compares them to other manifold users who have a real net worth and/or a good track record for predictions
highlights significant disagreements
I will use some level of personal judgement while resolving - I have to actually like the tool for me to give you the bounty, but if it is actually a good tool I am happy to up the bounty (tentative expected limit of 200 USD or 25,000 mana). Feel free to ask for clarification if you are interested.
I am interested in this tool existing so I can easily find other users to make large bets with.
I like this idea, I'm trying to think about how I would make something that would satisfy this. Let me know what you think of these ideas:
Two users who have positions in a market have an "agreement score" in that market which is calculated by taking the product of their positions, made negative if they are opposed.
For example, if you have a position of M$10 YES, and I have a position of M$10 NO, our agreement score is -100. If I sold half my position, our score would become -50.
This emphasizes markets where both parties hold large positions, not just one.
Note this does not take into account limit orders. Maybe include limit orders if they are within X% of the current probability?
You can get the total agreement score between yourself and another user by summing your agreement score on every market you both have positions in.
Using this method you can find users you commonly agree with, and those you commonly disagree with.
Worried that a simple summing here would just inflate users that bet a lot, rather than those with large differences. Maybe square (keeping the sign) then sum?
You can get your largest individual agreements/disagreements by searching for the highest/lowest agreement score within open markets. This would return a single market-user combination where you are aligned/opposed very significantly.
Using this method you can find a potential place to create a large limit order and encourage the other side to match it.
You could filter these by users who have current balance or net worth over a certain amount to ensure they have enough mana to trade against.
You could also prioritize users you commonly bet against (total agreement score below 0).