Alright, my jolly gremlins, go and do a better job than you did in 2022.
My profile: https://quinnd.net/date
The rules:
I will attempt a dialogue with every nominee provided there's a publicly verifiable signal that they're accepting suitors. (no digging up email addresses without me being able to verify that they want their email address posted!) (Please post such a signal when you nominate your friends, such as a dating doc)
If you nominate a friend and they don't have such a signal, they'll have to email/discord me.
To resolve, we have to consider eachother "partners" or "boyfriend/girlfriend" in the sense that we'd introduce eachother to friends as "my partner so n so", etc.
While market close is on new years eve, if I'm in early stages with someone around december I may wait to resolve for a month or two.
I'm open to commenting with updates about how dates (or even sex) are (is) going, but I will not do so without the other person's consent.
If a partner fits the criteria before market close, I'll resolve right then and there.
I will not bet/trade on this market. Nominees may, though!
Resolves N/A if we fail.
I reserve the right to append rules if one of you jolly gremlins finds a loophole that I don't like or that I think seems fraught.
Male nominations will get you nowhere, doubtful that you want to nominate an enby who leans masculine, go ahead and nominate trans ladies.
@Conflux this is not a case covered by my rules, because as far as I can tell she has a public dating profile but not an available email address in obvious sight. When I wrote the rules I assumed that anyone with a public dating profile would be easy to contact by email, lol