Will a youtuber with 50k+ subs or twitch streamer with 50k+ followers call Destiny a gusano in March 2024?
resolved Apr 4

Far Leftists on twitter have gotten mad at Destiny recently over his inflammatory tweets on Aaron Bushnell (pro-palestine dude who immolated himself).

Will a youtuber with 50k+ subs or a twitch streamer with 50k+ followers call Destiny a gusano in a derogatory way? It must be used as an insult, it can't be used in a neutral/referential way. For example, "so all these people are calling Destiny a gusano, huh?" wouldn't count. This can be done on stream, video, voice call, or a written statement such as a tweet.

Destiny's debate with Finkelstein is also set to release this month which may increase the odds of big content creators calling him a gusano. Here are the following big content creators that are most likely to call him a gusano if anyone wants to keep tabs.

  • Central_Committee (twitch)

  • Hasanabi (twitch and youtube)

  • Denims (twitch)

  • BadEmpanada (youtube)

  • 2nd Thought (youtube)

  • Kaceytron (twitch and youtube)

  • frogan (twitch)

  • carolinekwan (twitch)

I will also accept referring to Destiny as a "worm" which is synonymous with "gusano" as a slur, but it must be done at least twice.

If the content youtuber/streamer in question does this on another youtuber or streamer's video or stream that has less than 50k subs/followers, this will still resolve to a YES.

If a voice call or dm leaks of the youtuber/streamer in question calling Destiny a gusano, that will not be enough to resolve to a YES. The spirit of this market is asking whether or not a big content creator will publicly call Destiny a gusano.

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I'm going to wait a 2 days in case anyone wants to submit any clips. I'm so surprised that this didn't resolve a YES when the Finkelstein debate released.

Ain't no way that none of these streamers haven't called destiny a gusano or called him a worm at least twice during all this. I refuse to believe it.

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forgot i had a limit order on this once and didnt cancel 🤦‍♂️

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