In The Next Two Months does he (Destiny) finish playing Factorio
resolved Feb 12

Criteria is when Destiny stops playing Factorio --> I'm not sure if there is an end to this mod but this Manifold is pretty much determined by when he finishes playing it

[Newly more specified criteria] If Destiny doesn't play Factorio for 5 consectutive streams I will consider that him "finishing" the game, this doesn't include streams where he is not at his Miami home. Playing in the backround counts, because that would be considered not "finishing the game". The streams have to be at least an hour long. I don't care what Destiny says he has shown to be an unfair judge of his own addiction. - This extends to after the closing date so if he decides to not play on the 12th then I would wait 5 streams to decide the outcome

I don't care if you read the title and decided to bet a bunch of money without reading the description, you signed the contract in which I laid out the terms go fuck yourself if you are still arguing about the semantics of the word finish, I defined what I meant in the description. Please be free to make any suggestions regarding my new criteria to update it.

Feb 4, 2:58pm: In The Next Two Months does he (Destiny) finish Factorio → In The Next Two Months does he (Destiny) finish playing Factorio

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predicted NO

Hes playing, can we resolve?

predicted NO

@EugeneBixby bro he might finish in the next 3 hours Copium

>not me cashing out for guaranteed profit at 99% OMEGALUL

predicted NO

@odecay but did you buy No at 99%?

@Simon1551 dip shit scammer market maker did knowing he would tank and change the rules

predicted NO

@WhiteRhino The market maker lost 7.5k Mana on this market, and got about 7.1k back from unique traders.

He didn’t profit.

@Gen he was down -20k mana when it was supposed to resolve. Yet surprisingly now he zeroed out? He was in a massive deficient and he bet against till he was evened out

@WhiteRhino You are retarded

predicted NO

@WhiteRhino Lol, he sold all of his NO position in 1 click, it wasn't exactly an epic heist

predicted NO

I do agree that on subjective markets, the makers shouldn't participate. Of course, nobody expected this to be subjective.

predicted YES

>I'm not sure if there is an end to this mod but this Manifold is pretty much determined by when he finishes playing it

He finished the fucking mod, pay out already

predicted NO

@DarioSchiller I thought he was still playing?

predicted YES

@DesTiny he finished the mod. he's now trying again to get a different ending.

predicted NO

@DarioSchiller I thought he was still playing the same mod, he only finished one of the endings right? I think there are multiple ending on the mod

predicted NO

@DarioSchiller The question isn't about the mod it's about Factorio the game he has to completely stop playing factorio for this to resolve YES

predicted NO

@Simon1551 I think the dispute is what he meant by "it" in the statement: "I'm not sure if there is an end to this mod but this Manifold is pretty much determined by when he finishes playing it." He either meant the mod or factorio itself

predicted NO

He hasn’t finished playing 💀💀💀

That’s like saying bro finished playing minecraft when he killed the dragon

predicted NO

@DesTiny I asked that before and he was referring to the game itself

predicted YES

he's gonna get bored of it while travelling

predicted NO

@jojomonsta7777 Addicts don't get bored

predicted YES

this shit dumb ass hell but mama didn’t raise no seller

Bit late to the whole complaining thing, because i havent been active here the past week. I was also the second top yes buyer so theres that bias tbf.

Feels a tad weird to change the entire meaning of the question AFTER everyone has already invested, idk how something like that is allowed realistically. I would assume 99% of people agree that they finish a game when they beat it, not necessarriyl the secret ending. One FINISHES hollow knight after their first play through, they dont necessarily have to beat all 4 endings and 112% (or whatever it was) to FINISH the game.

It seems weird to change the question to fit a somewhat entirely different criteria, where obviously yes voters now look retarded. But hey ho, you do you king x

predicted NO

@Dxcomx "Criteria is when Destiny stops playing Factorio --> I'm not sure if there is an end to this mod but this Manifold is pretty much determined by when he finishes playing it" was there from the start, if you can't read or only go by title and determine your own meaning, that's a you problem. The manifold didn't change, it just clarified for people with small brains

@PieFreak how is that not still ambiguous? 'finishes playing it', if he stops for a day or two but then restarts? if he stopped for the whole of february but then restarts on 12th? does the few hours of doom count as him finishing? Its not a me/you problem lol, because prying mind's title change/'newly more specified criteria' is very clear and no one is complaining what that entails.

People are complaining about what 'finishes' mean you silly goose.

predicted NO

@Dxcomx you are correct that "finishes playing it" can still be ambiguous. Most markets are arguably somewhat ambiguous.

It's up to you to ask for clarification on the definition of "finished playing it" before you invest your mana. People just assumed what that meant, and then got mad when the maker had a different intent for those words.

The new, more clarified, criteria is PryingMind's definition of "finishes playing it."

@PersonMan0326 yes and i dont disagree, his new definition is really clear.

My original point was how the idea of 'finish (game x)' to 99% of people doesnt include a secret ending. And finish playing is ambiguous enough in nature that there would be arguments in here regardless of how PryingMind resolved the market. With the new definition obviously yes voters are salty and no voters are buzzing. But if PryingMind decided steven doesnt have to play for one day insttead of 5, then the situation would be reversed.

And like i said in my first comment, i find that weird that one is allowed to decide the parametres AFTER the mana has been invested. Because if pryingmind rightt now decided 'hey that is still unclear, he has to play 8 hours every stream for 5 consecutive days', no voters would be like 'hey what the fuck'.

predicted NO

@Dxcomx the original criteria, to be clear, was "when he stops playing."

"Finish" was the title, which was clarified in the description (a definition of "finish" was given, and that was "when he stops playing.")

"Finish" to me can mean a lot of things. I don't know if it necessarily means "secret ending." If Destiny never went for the secret ending, and just started a brand new playthrough, I would still say he hasn't "stopped playing."

Now, "stopped playing" is arguably not very clear. So we had to get any even more sophisticated definition of it after much fighting.

I agree actually that it would have been better for more specific parameters to have been established much earlier. The issue is that no one asked for them. The maker gave a definition, "stops playing," that they thought sufficiently explained their question. Obviously that's not exceptionally clear, but if I was concerned about losing my money based on a different interpretation of those words, I probably should have gotten clarification first.

You just repeated what i said and still didnt answer the most pressing part of the point lol.

'And like i said in my first comment, i find that weird that one is allowed to decide the parametres AFTER the mana has been invested. Because if pryingmind rightt now decided 'hey that is still unclear, he has to play 8 hours every stream for 5 consecutive days', no voters would be like 'hey what the fuck'.'

predicted NO

@Dxcomx Regarding those "new" parameters, maybe you're misunderstanding me. You're assuming that they were created at the time Destiny continued to play Factorio.

I disagree. The parameters have always been, "when he stops playing." The only thing that ever changed was people's awareness of the definition of that phrase.

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