Will Heat Miser reign supreme this Christmas?
resolved Dec 31

Resolves based on data from this website: https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/?dm_id=world

It shows a chart with the global average surface air temperature for every day going back to Jan. 1, 1979. For the last few months, the temperature listed for each day has been higher than or equal to the average temperature on the same day in any previous year.

Resolves YES if the listed temperature for December 25, 2023 is higher than the temperature on Dec. 25 for any previous year on the chart. It must be strictly greater, not just equal to it. The chart rounds to the nearest tenth of a degree, and the highest previously recorded temperature is 13.1°C, so the temperature must be at least 13.2°C for this to resolve YES.

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predicted YES

The data is here now. Average temp for Dec. 25 was 13.6 °C. The highest previous year was 2019, with 13.2 °C.

predicted YES

I'm reopening this because the current data is a few days behind (the last day is Dec. 19), so we will probably have to wait a little longer to see what the average temperature on Christmas was.