Every election year since 2012, the YouTube channel ERB has made a video portraying a rap battle between the major party nominees for president. If they make a video featuring Kamala Harris and Donald Trump before the last polls close on Election Day, "it exists" resolves YES. All other options are conditional on "It exists" resolving YES. They will be resolved either once the video comes out, or once the election occurs with no video coming out (with the exception of, "The person with the first verse wins the election," which will probably not resolve until after the election).
Unless otherwise specified, saying a different form of the word still counts as saying the word (e.g., If someone says "coconuts," or if Trump calls Harris "coco-nutty," that counts as the word "coconut being spoken.)
I will count something as being "referenced" if anyone in the video directly mentions or obliquely alludes to it, or if the events or visuals in the video itself reference the thing. (E.g., If Trump says, "Fight, fight, fight," anywhere in the video, that counts as referencing the assassination attempt).
If Harris calls Trump a criminal, I will count that as mentioning his criminal conviction.
If they make more than one, only the first one counts.
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I looked up "Epic Rap Battles Harris v Trump" to see if there was any news about plans for making the episode. I didn't find any news, but I did find a reddit post where this was the top comment:
So seems like I'm not the only one who had that idea.
For reference, if the second thing happens (TheIntrepid's suggestion), that would not be enough to count for this option.
To make my previous comment more direct, if the introducer prolongs the pronunciation of "Epic Rap Battles of History" like he sometimes does, will we be using the closed caption transcript from the YouTube video? Or will we be using the standard spelling non-strung-out version of the words? Or will we refer to some other reference like a Shazam lyrics transcript?
I think that, to make it consistent with the results that I would have to use if there's not an official transcript, I will count any prolonging of words by drawing out a sound as still being the normal spelling of the word.
But I am planning not to include the announcer saying "Epic Rap Battles of History" at the beginning as part of the lyrics anyway.
After doing more research, music sites that post the lyrics (like YouTube Music) seem to start the lyrics after the announcer says "Begin!" and not include any of his intro. They also tend to not include the "Who won? Who's next? You decide!" outro. Basically, the announcer is totally excluded.
I'm on board with your interpretation.
What's interesting to me is that Nice Peter played Abraham Lincoln in all the other election episodes except the one where he played Biden (the most recent one), I am thinking if he plays Joe Biden again that will make it less likely he plays Abe Lincoln again and vis versa, of course there's nothing stopping him from playing both, but it seems less likely to me. What's also interesting to me is that Nice Peter also played Donald Trump in Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge, so he has already and could theoretically again play any of the three of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and/or Abraham Lincoln. But then who would EpicLLOYD play.
Good catch, I was planning to put this one in there but totally forgot.
Also note: I edited it for clarity, I assume "they" just meant "someone" and not multiple people