Should we fear the reaper?
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Fear the reaper
Don't fear the reaper
No reason to have or lack fear of the reaper

Vote based on whether you think we should or should not fear death. Interpret "should" in a normative sense, though not necessarily a moral one (i.e., do we have good reasons to fear death or not to fear death, whether these reasons are moral, rational, practical, etc.?).

This is distinct from the question of whether death is good or bad, since it can be argued that we shouldn't fear death in spite of its badness due to potential negative consequences of fearing death.

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At the very least, the reaping itself seems unnecessarily unpleasant. I’d fear the reaper less if assisted suicide were more of an accepted thing with associated norms / services / products (goodbye party, provably comfortable “passage,” cryonics with decent hope of resuscitation)

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