If Harris wins the popular vote but loses the election, will Lichtman pivot back to, "My model only predicts the PV"?

Allan Lichtman has predicted based on his 13 Keys model that Kamala Harris will win the presidential election. Up until 2016, he claimed that his model only predicts the popular vote, not the winner of the electoral college. However, in 2016, he predicted incorrectly that Trump would win the popular vote. In order to save his perfect record, he claimed that now his model predicts the electoral college winner and not the popular vote.

This year, he has predicted that Kamala Harris will win the electoral college. If she loses the electoral college but still wins the popular vote, will he claim at any time before the next election that his model only predicts the popular vote?


  • It only counts if he claims this about an election after 2016. In other words, it only counts if he falsely states that his model only predicted the popular vote in 2020 or 2024, or if he says that in a future election, he will use it to predict the popular vote.

  • If he pivots before the election, resolves N/A.

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His model actually predicts whatever is convenient for him

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