Are there twice as many INTPs on Manifold as the general population?
resolved Sep 1

INTP is the personality type I selected on Pat's Manifold Survey. Supposedly, we make up 3.3% of the population, including 4.8% of males and 1.7% of females:

Since there is widely expected to be a heavy gender bias, I will calculate the expected proportion of INTPs based on the general population as 4.8%*(proportion of males)+1.7%*(proportion of females)+3.3%*(NB/other). If the proportion of people who choose INTP as their Meyers-Brigg type is at least double that proportion, this resolves YES.

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The survey results are in! According to Pat's survey, Manifolders are 67.2% male, 23.1% female, and 8.2% non-binary. The exact percentage of "other" doesn't show up on the graph he posted, but the percentages all have to add to 100%, so I'll just assume there's no roundoff error and say nonbinary + other = 9.7% (The roundoff error won't matter for the resolution. If it did, I would ask for exact numbers). That gives us an expected INTP percentage of 3.9%. In fact, the proportion was 37.6%, almost ten times as many as the general population.

@wustep RIGHT?! INSANE

@Stralor here's the pics for y'all who don't want to dig through all the survey results

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I've often tested as INTP so I'd believe this.
