Will TSLA reach >$ 275 before 8pm EST on 8/8?
Aug 9


Market resolves if TSLA reaches >$275 ($275.01+) at any point before 8pm EST on 8/8 - this includes After Market but not Overnight trading.

For After Market trading information: After-Hours Trading: How It Works, Advantages, Risks, Example (investopedia.com)

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I don’t believe the market should be resolved based on the aftermarket bid spike

@MolbyDick became superforecaster of the Manifold in this moment, period. This was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in forecasting history. If he finds a way to do that over and over again, he's going to be at the top of the trader leaderboard for eight years.

Life is a game.

What kind of player are you?

Looks like there's some more sloppy market orders we could fight over if folks are into that 🙃

Count it this time just for maximum chaos

bought Ṁ142 NO

Tesla's price took a tumble yesterday, and is now trading at below $215. There are only 11 trading days remaining until this market resolves. My simulations give it a <2% chance of touching $275. And yet this is still at 12%.

This has been a wild ride

sold Ṁ2,541 NO


As a rat I have to admit this song is a banger

As a banger I'm forced to concede this song is a rät

bought Ṁ5,000 NO

changed my mind - I'd like to appeal the decision not to count the spike please

opened a Ṁ2,500 NO at 43% order

i just bought a share from my niece for $278—no misclick, it should resolve YES

Tesla faces lack of catalysts until robotaxi day, analyst says; Elon owns up to over-optimism (marketwatch.com)

After-hours market is now down to about $230, and the robotaxi day isn't happening until at least October.

"On the call, Chief Executive Elon Musk admitted that his predictions on the topic of autonomy might have been 'over-optimistic in the past.'"

Earnings will make or brake this market tonight, right?

I don't expect any other major news between now and August 8th since the robotaxi announcement was delayed.

But the stock has been pretty volatile, so anything could happen!

Musk could definitely generate stock-moving headlines on his own

Aren't there some legal restrictions on his tweets about Tesla? I thought that was one of the consequences of his "funding secured" tweet?

Regardless, there are probably plenty of ways he could still move the market.

Things that the SEC might care less about, for instance when he mentions the Robotaxi event.

Not just earnings, Elon needs another shiny thing to distract investors who still think this is a growth stock.

It looks like the market didn't like the results so far, but we'll see what happens after the call:

Tesla TSLA earnings Q2 2024 (cnbc.com)


@MolbyDick what was that?

Must have been the wind

bought Ṁ1,000 NO

Bagelman the GOAT

I tripped on the bet button by accident