Will Destiny Reach 610k Subscribers By the End Of January 2023?
resolved Jan 20

The question resolves to 'YES' if Destiny's main Youtube channel reaches, or exceeds, 610,000 subscribers.

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predicted YES


predicted YES

LET'S F**CKING GOOOOOOOOO! Related market hype:

predicted YES

I'm betting 1$ on no, so if the market creator miss-clicks I'll get 800$.

@Agh Based

@Agh I put 10 on the misclick dream. Over 6k potential from 10 M lmao

predicted NO

@Agh yes this is also why i put 1821 mana

predicted YES

@ORACLE Resolve please.

@johnleoks Yes please

( I have no interest in this market tho )

Still, resolve lmao

predicted YES


predicted YES


predicted YES

Resolve time 😎

Here's a market for the next month

tsk tsk this was all a plot from destiny to make NO share holders lose money

predicted YES

609k pog

predicted YES

gigachad WINNING

predicted NO

SMH why is he growing so much it's not like he's doing twice as much content that he did in December

predicted NO

@Simon1551 I dont want to payback my loan 🥲

Went down less than I thought when he announced a break until the 15th. Probably should be around 83-85%

predicted NO

@Resolution why do you think that?

predicted YES

@Simon1551 His growth drops by more than half when he doesn't stream. Still think hes going to hit 610k by the end though.

He has had his "break" on the schedule all month, it's not new. Jan 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30 will all have no streams. This is definitely likely imo, but closer than 90%. I'm out with a profit for now until this price returns to something more reasonable

predicted YES

@Gen Hmm I didnt know he actually updates that schedule. Guess I have to check it time to time for these markets.