Do you trust me?
resolved May 7

I'm going to resolve this market as "yes" in 7 days.

Voting yes would give an easy profit unless I'm lying for nefarious reasons. I have kept my word and resolved this question as yes the last 2/2 times it was asked. Will I keep it again?

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predicted NO


(all profits were tripled then given to charity)

Weird, did the market creator change their user name? The Top Traders first identified the M$460 profit going to tw however after a reload the page now shows TX (@O) as the top trader. Or is it.... Top Traitor! (hahaha lowly pun)

predicted YES

This market resolved contrary to the description, which said: "I'm going to resolve this market as "yes" in 7 days."

I know this market was obviously a bit of fun/an experiment, but I think giving a deliberately misleading description in order to profit from credulous participants is wrong, and possibly against the rules of the site, even if you do offer vague hints that you might be lying.

predicted NO

@Fion That was the experiment. A dice was rolled every time until it landed on a 6.

predicted NO

@Fion If the market was just me resolving it yes every time what would be the point. The fun was betting on if i have a nefarious plan. I had, but a hidden probability existed.