Will BBC News run another article on the increase in respiratory illness in Chinese children by market close?
resolved Dec 8

The BBC (among others) is reporting an increase in respiratory illness in children in China. The World Health Organisation has requested further data from Chinese authorities. Resolves YES if the BBC runs another article with further news on this topic on bbc.co.uk/news before the end of December 7th.


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predicted YES

I’ve not seen any new articles, if nothing has been posted in the comments when I wake up tomorrow I will resolve NO.

predicted NO

Just to clarify as it seems like this may be a global phenomenon which is occurring in multiple places: if there is a news article which says “lots of pneumonia in $not_china “, this will resolve YES if the article makes specific reference to the Chinese situation, but does not resolve YES if no parallels are drawn or otherwise reference made to this being a connected or global situation.

predicted NO

@Noit Also given how drastically the OG article was changed, if you see an article that looks like answers this spec, I’d screenshot it as well as share the link here.

predicted NO

Just to clarify, it looks like the original article has been significantly updated since I first read it, but I’m sticking to “another” article as being the trigger for resolving YES. So the new article should not share the same URL as the one linked in the market.

@Noit does this count?


It's obviously prompted by the outbreak in China, and uses it as an example, but doesn't really have any "further news" on the outbreak.

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington No, it’s not part of bbc.co.uk/news

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