🏓 Will a new positive study on pingpong rehab for neurodegenerative diseases be published in 12 months?
resolved Feb 25

This market asks whether a new peer-reviewed scientific study on the effectiveness of pingpong as a rehabilitation tool for neurodegenerative diseases will be published within the next 12 months. The study must be published in an academic journal or presented at a recognized scientific conference and focus on linking table tennis to improvements in the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as MS or Parkinson's. The study must support the hypothesis that pingpong rehab helps.

Market resolves as 'Yes' if: A peer-reviewed study meeting the above criteria is published or presented within the specified time frame. Examples: A journal article is released online or in print; conference proceedings include a study on this topic.

Market resolves as 'No' if: No study matching the criteria is published or presented within 12 months. Examples: Only abstracts or non-peer-reviewed articles are released; relevant studies are still in the data gathering phase without publication, there is a study but the link is negative.

Market resolves as 'N/A' if: Situations arise that make resolution impossible, such as a global freeze on scientific publishing, or the specific field of study is universally discredited within the time frame.


> Researchers at the Movement Disorders Center on the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus were so intrigued by the anecdotal success stories they heard that they began studying the NeuroPong players’ symptoms and tracking their improvements for their research.


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