[Ṁ100 subsidy] Will Ron DeSantis be publicly criticized by the White House for his handling of Hurricane Idalia?
[Ṁ100 subsidy] Will Ron DeSantis be publicly criticized by the White House for his handling of Hurricane Idalia?
resolved Sep 30

By close time.

White House = President Biden or a White House spokesperson or a member of the cabinet speaking in their capacity as cabinet member or reflecting the official position of the White House.

Publicly criticized = any statement made publicly, in writing or orally, with journalists, as a press release, or from a social media account, expressing at least partial disapproval of the way Governor DeSantis handled the Florida response to Hurricane Idalia.

The criticisms can pertain to actions taken (or not taken) by DeSantis before, during, or after the hurricane.

I'm not a news junkie and can't follow what everyone says, so please feel free to submit candidates for resolution in the comments.

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The only thing I could find was from a former WH Comms Director, which doesn’t count. I’m resolving NO. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4184506-kate-bedingfield-rails-against-desantiss-decision-not-to-meet-biden/amp/


Still haven't found anything.


I haven’t seen anything yet. Anyone?

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