Will any rider win the Giro-Tour Double in 2024?
resolved Jul 21

Resolves YES if any rider wins the general classification in both the Giro d’Italia and the Tour de France in 2024 (men’s races).

Sean Kelly: Tadej Pogačar’s Giro-Tour Double Prospects Have Leaped Forward


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sold Ṁ11 YES

Currently, markets for Pogacar winning Giro and Tour are at 80% and 44%, so this one should be at around 35%

@egroj 80% is kinda nuts, lol

@egroj Who else do we expect to run both and have a shot at it?

@NicoDelon I don't expect anybody else that is fighting for GC to even do both, let alone win them. I think this market is realistically only about Tadej

@Eliza who else could win the Giro, 20% should just be for crashes and it is probably too high. In fact, I just bid it up to 84% and made a limit order for 80% until Sunday, in case you think it needs to be corrected:

If he doesn't crash at LBL I might make an even higher one on Monday.

@egroj Obviously, I made the market for him, and so in a way, it's redundant since we can imply the probability from Giro and TDF markets.

bought Ṁ10 NO

Seems tough, no matter what anyone's plans are!