Will Wikipedia's 'Current events' include the COVID-19 pandemic as an ongoing event on 2023-01-01?
resolved Jan 1
I'll look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events at some point on that day and resolve as I see it. I'm using this as a proxy for when the pandemic will be commonly considered to be over.
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bought Ṁ30 of NO

I don't see it in ongoing anymore

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@egroj I do

predicted YES

@egroj It's not in the short list in the current events box, but it does show up in several places on the page linked in the OP.

predicted NO

@Multicore I saw it but under a previous date, not under ongoing events

sold Ṁ86 of NO

@egroj I just saw that the mobile and desktop versions are different. In mobile it doesn't have the side bar

"Will Wikipedia's 'Current events' include the COVID-19 pandemic as an ongoing event on 2023-01-01?"

Will Wikipedia's 'Current events' include the COVID-19 pandemic as an ongoing event on 2023-01-01?

I've realised that there's some ambiguity here regarding what I meant - it's been removed from the main topics but it's still counted in the sidebar. Clearly it's not considered as much of a 'thing' even if it's not over yet.

Unless someone convinces me otherwise, I'll count its presence in the sidebar as resolving YES.

predicted YES

@NcyRocks I think that's clear!