Will Manifold Markets display countdowns to markets' closing times before 2022-05-01?
resolved Feb 18
As of this market's opening, you can tell when a market closes by mousing over the close date, but this (a) is not easy to see and (b) requires the user to convert between time zones. This is kinda inconvenient, especially for short-term markets. This market resolves YES if, before May, there's an easy way to tell how long until a market closes. Some rounding would be okay, but it should be impossible for the market to close without a user knowing that that was coming soon. (Duplicate of a previous market with lower starting probability, to incentivise betting in favour and compensate if not implemented.)
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To add to this, there is no way to see time on mobile on an individual market page (that I know of) due to inability to hover over date. Note Market>Closing Soon does provide nice “how long is left” indication that I’d love to see implemented throughout in some way.