After Jonathan Majors' conviction, it's not subtitled The Kang Dynasty anymore.
Will you hold this until July 2026? I thought the idea was to resolve once the title was announced. This clearly misses a good description on how you plan to resolve.
I think given the entire point of the market was asking for the title after it was already announced but then the first announced title was ditched, resolving before the movie is actually released is dumb.
Maybe Robert Downey Jr. has his own Jonathon Majors moment and they completely rewrite again. Who knows.
@NcyRocks you've got an excellent point there.
I won't be bothered doing the math, but there is a definitely nonzero chance of the title being Avengers: Infinity War.
@Quroe I think it’s DALL-E 3. The part I find interesting is the lowest bit of text, which (almost) reads “DON’T INCLUDE ANY TEXT”, which makes me wonder if it was given that as part of the prompt.