[Order of the Stick] How many strips will there be in the main comic?
This market resolves to the number assigned to the final strip of the webcomic Order of the Stick by Rich Burlew, as posted online. This does not include bonus strips from print books or any other media.
Hopefully the "final strip" will be obvious, based on a definitive giant "The End" banner on it, or an announcement from the author the story is over now, or whatever. If there turns out to be an epilogue, those strips would be included if they continue the sequential numbering from the main comic.
If for some reason the comic never actually finishes, this will resolve to the number of the last comic officially published.
As of this writing, the most recent strip is #1280, and the plot appears to be getting close-ish to a conclusion.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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