Will the close price of Truth Social (NASDAQ: DJT) be higher than the previous day? (Daily Market)
Nov 1
October 9
October 10
October 11

Trump Media & Technology Group (owner of Truth Social) - Daily Dashboard

  • Resolves according to Nasdaq Historical Data

  • DJT closes at 4pm ET

  • Initial close price is preliminary, this market is resolved once it's settled.

  • Resolves YES if stock closes higher than previous day

  • Resolves NO if stock closes lower or flat

Market Inspired by Haws, SirCryptomind, Christian, Simon Grayson, and Nickten + Ammon Lam + Keenen Watts

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boughtṀ400October 11 NO

@TrickyDuck that was a weird thing to do after the market closed at near +5% lol but I left you a buy order at 50% in case you want to get rid of more mana 😂

I have to write it somewhere... It's SO obvious they are pumping DJT to finance the campaign, this moves mainly during pre market

A serial liar claims he won’t sell his shares, so the price spikes. Riiiiiiiiight…

I predict he will either still sell, but blame someone else, or will wait a few weeks until the election and then dump it (and still blame someone else for it cratering).

bought Ṁ50 October 11 NO

Forgive me if I 'm wrong but this is pretty much of a one-way bet......al the way up until Trump can sell his shares.

SirCryptomindboughtṀ210Answer #80ff2f69da2b NO
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bought Ṁ791 Answer #8n3uzgu6tq NO
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SirCryptomindboughtṀ400Answer #a3ad340539ee YES
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SirCryptomindboughtṀ350Answer #80ff2f69da2b NO
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March 29
bought Ṁ8 March 29 NO
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